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Final Fantasy’s Majestic Beasts: The Most Powerful Summons Across All Games

Summons, known as Espers, Eidolons, or Aeons in various games, have been a cornerstone of the Final Fantasy series since their introduction in Final Fantasy III. These majestic and powerful beings aid players in battle, often turning the tide in their favor with awe-inspiring, cinematic attacks. This article delves into the lore and power of the most formidable summons across all the mainline Final Fantasy games, celebrating their role in enriching the gameplay experience.

1. Knights of the Round – Final Fantasy VII

Arguably the most powerful summon across all games, Knights of the Round is an awe-inspiring spectacle in Final Fantasy VII. Its lengthy animation, featuring thirteen armored knights dealing massive damage, can obliterate even the toughest of enemies. Acquiring it, however, requires players to solve the puzzle of the Gold Saucer’s Chocobo breeding quest.

2. Anima – Final Fantasy X

Born from the despair of a mother’s sacrifice, Anima is a destructive force in Final Fantasy X. With its “Oblivion” Overdrive, it can deal extensive damage multiple times in a single turn, making it a valuable ally in challenging battles.

3. Bahamut – Across the Series

A staple of the series, Bahamut, the King of Dragons, has made an appearance in almost every Final Fantasy game. His “Mega Flare” is a non-elemental attack that can deal heavy damage to all enemies, a testament to his title.

4. Alexander – Across the Series

Known for its divine Judgment attack, Alexander is a mechanized fortress in the shape of a giant robot. Its light-based attack is particularly potent against dark and undead enemies, carving a path of destruction in numerous games.

5. Eden – Final Fantasy VIII

Eden, the most potent Guardian Force in Final Fantasy VIII, boasts the highest potential damage with its “Eternal Breath” attack. It’s capable of exceeding the game’s damage limit, reaching numbers in the high five figures.

6. Zodiark – Final Fantasy XII

The strongest Esper in Final Fantasy XII, Zodiark, Keeper of Precepts, uses “Final Eclipse,” a devastating attack that can inflict up to 60,000 damage. It’s hidden deep within the Henne Mines, challenging the players who dare to seek its power.

7. Yojimbo – Final Fantasy X

Yojimbo’s power is unique. His attacks—ranging from a simple slash to the instant-death move “Zanmato”—depend on how much the player pays him. With enough Gil, Yojimbo can defeat even the toughest bosses in a single stroke.

8. Shiva – Across the Series

This elegant Ice Queen is one of the series’ most iconic summons. Her signature “Diamond Dust” attack freezes enemies solid and shatters them, dealing substantial ice elemental damage.

9. Odin – Across the Series

Odin, often appearing as a knight on a six-legged horse, is feared for his “Zantetsuken” attack, which can instantly kill all enemies. While ineffective against bosses, this move makes Odin a valuable asset for regular encounters.

10. Phoenix – Across the Series

Phoenix’s signature move, “Rebirth Flame,” not only deals fire damage to enemies but also revives all fallen party members, making it a lifesaver in dire situations.

11. Magus Sisters – Final Fantasy IV & X

First appearing in Final Fantasy IV and later as a group in X, the Magus Sisters can perform powerful combination attacks. Their unique dynamic as a trio allows for complex and potent abilities that can overwhelm enemies.


The summoning system has been a unique and captivating part of the Final Fantasy series, offering not only a visual spectacle but also strategic gameplay depth. These awe-inspiring beings, from the classic Bahamut and Shiva to the mighty Knights of the Round and Eden, serve as a testament to the series’ enduring creativity and innovative design. They continue to excite players with their displays of power, helping to etch unforgettable memories in the grand tapestry of the Final Fantasy experience.

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