Are you awake? Is your reality real? Are you sure?

Take the plunge down the rabbit hole of insanity and wonder in this fast-paced, nonstop psychological thriller that will leave you questioning the very nature of reality and beyond. Part thriller, part romance, part existential horror, A Dream of Waking Life delves into lucid dreaming, psychedelics, existential ontology, video games, the nature of love, the nature of reality, and more.
Outlast. Outgrow. Outlive. In the ashes of Earth, evolution is the ultimate weapon.

Mendel’s Ladder delivers an adrenaline-fueled journey set on a dystopian future Earth, brimming with high-stakes action, adventure, and mystery. This epic series opener plunges readers into a world filled with diverse cultures, heart-pounding battles, and characters who will captivate your heart and imagination.
Embark on a cosmic mystery spanning all of spacetime and beyond to discover the very nature of reality’s multilayered foundations.

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Traversing Realms: The Influence of Real-World Lore and Religions in Final Fantasy Games

The Final Fantasy series, beloved by millions worldwide, is known for its captivating storylines, immersive worlds, and complex characters. Integral to its appeal is the deep lore drawn from various real-world mythologies, religions, and historical events. This article delves into some of the real-life inspirations behind the Final Fantasy universe, illuminating the intricate weave of real and imaginary that fuels this iconic series.

Greek and Norse Mythology in Final Fantasy

Many summons, monsters, and character names in the Final Fantasy series are borrowed from Greek and Norse mythology. The most evident example is the recurrent summon Bahamut, the King of the Dragons, inspired by a vast fish that supports the earth in Arabian mythology. Similarly, the character of Odin, a summon, takes its name and design from the Norse god of wisdom, war, and poetry.

Shinto and Buddhism: Influence on Spiritual Concepts

Japan’s indigenous religion, Shinto, and Buddhism have greatly influenced the spiritual concepts within Final Fantasy. The reverence for nature, seen in the portrayal of the planet as a living entity in Final Fantasy VII, reflects Shinto beliefs. The concept of life, death, and rebirth, prominent in games like Final Fantasy X, echoes the Buddhist idea of Samsara, the cycle of reincarnation.

Influence of Christianity

Christianity has also significantly influenced the Final Fantasy series. One notable instance is Final Fantasy X’s Church of Yevon, which mirrors some aspects of organized religion and the Catholic Church. The game critiques the use of religion for control, a theme often explored in discussions about Christianity.

The Role of Alchemy and Astrology

The practice of alchemy, a philosophical tradition, features prominently in several Final Fantasy games. The principle of equivalent exchange, a core tenet of alchemy, is central to the story of Final Fantasy VI. Astrology also plays a significant role in games like Final Fantasy XII, where the Zodiac signs govern the twelve Espers you can acquire.

Historical Inspirations: From War to Industrialization

Historical events, particularly those associated with war and industrialization, serve as themes in the Final Fantasy series. For example, the war dynamics in Final Fantasy Tactics draw heavily from the War of the Roses, while Final Fantasy VI reflects the societal upheaval brought by the industrial revolution.


The Final Fantasy series’ enduring appeal lies not only in its inventive gameplay but also in its rich, deeply layered world-building. By weaving real-world religions, mythologies, and historical events into its narrative fabric, the series creates resonant and meaningful stories that leave a lasting impact. The fantastical universe of Final Fantasy is, thus, not so distant from our own, bearing reflections of our collective beliefs, fears, and aspirations.

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