Are you awake? Is your reality real? Are you sure?

Take the plunge down the rabbit hole of insanity and wonder in this fast-paced, nonstop psychological thriller that will leave you questioning the very nature of reality and beyond. Part thriller, part romance, part existential horror, A Dream of Waking Life delves into lucid dreaming, psychedelics, existential ontology, video games, the nature of love, the nature of reality, and more.
Outlast. Outgrow. Outlive. In the ashes of Earth, evolution is the ultimate weapon.

Mendelโ€™s Ladder delivers an adrenaline-fueled journey set on a dystopian future Earth, brimming with high-stakes action, adventure, and mystery. This epic series opener plunges readers into a world filled with diverse cultures, heart-pounding battles, and characters who will captivate your heart and imagination.
Embark on a cosmic mystery spanning all of spacetime and beyond to discover the very nature of realityโ€™s multilayered foundations.

โ€œE.S. Fein is raising the bar for quality as itโ€™s a very well-written and thought-provoking bookโ€ฆThere are points and themes in the story that could be discussed for eons as people will have their own idea on where it leads. Itโ€™s a book I would highly recommend.โ€ โ€“ Andy Whitaker, SFCrowsnest

Unveiling the Force: Ranking the 10 Most Powerful Jedi

1. Yoda

One simply cannot discuss Jedi power without mentioning Yoda. Despite his small stature, Yoda was arguably the most powerful Jedi ever, known for his exceptional skills in lightsaber combat and his profound understanding of the Force. He lived for nearly 900 years, spending much of that time training young Jedi, including Luke Skywalker.

2. Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker was the hero of the Rebellion and the New Jedi Order’s founder. The strength of his belief in the Light Side of the Force and his ability to resist the Dark Side, particularly during his final confrontation with Emperor Palpatine, showcased his immense power.

3. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader

Before his transformation into Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker was said to be the Chosen One who would bring balance to the Force. His potential strength in the Force was immense, possibly surpassing all other Jedi.

4. Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan Kenobi was one of the most dedicated Jedi Knights. His defeat of Darth Maul and General Grievous, and his ability to hold his own against Anakin Skywalker (after he turned to the Dark Side) highlights his strength and skill.

5. Mace Windu

Mace Windu was a Senior Member of the Jedi Order and a master swordsman. His unique form of lightsaber combat, Vaapad, allowed him to channel and use his internal darkness without succumbing to the Dark Side.

6. Qui-Gon Jinn

Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan’s master, held a deep connection to the Living Force. This understanding allowed him to uncover the secret to immortality, which he later passed onto Yoda and Obi-Wan.

7. Rey Skywalker

Rey showed remarkable natural abilities in using the Force and a lightsaber, despite having no formal training for most of her life. She was the last Jedi standing after the sequel trilogy, demonstrating her strength and resolve.

8. Ahsoka Tano

Anakin Skywalker’s former Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, was a formidable warrior and Force-user. Her dual lightsabers and impressive agility made her a formidable opponent.

9. Kit Fisto

Known for his unique underwater combat skills, Kit Fisto was a powerful Jedi Master who held his own during the Clone Wars and against General Grievous.

10. Kanan Jarrus

Kanan Jarrus, born as Caleb Dume, was a key figure in the Rebellion and master to Ezra Bridger. His ability to overcome blindness by using the Force demonstrated his power and resilience.

These Jedi represent the epitome of power and skill within the Jedi Order. However, the Jedi’s true strength lies not in their ability to wield the Force, but in their unwavering commitment to peace, justice, and the protection of the galaxy.

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