Are you awake? Is your reality real? Are you sure?

Take the plunge down the rabbit hole of insanity and wonder in this fast-paced, nonstop psychological thriller that will leave you questioning the very nature of reality and beyond. Part thriller, part romance, part existential horror, A Dream of Waking Life delves into lucid dreaming, psychedelics, existential ontology, video games, the nature of love, the nature of reality, and more.
Outlast. Outgrow. Outlive. In the ashes of Earth, evolution is the ultimate weapon.

Mendel’s Ladder delivers an adrenaline-fueled journey set on a dystopian future Earth, brimming with high-stakes action, adventure, and mystery. This epic series opener plunges readers into a world filled with diverse cultures, heart-pounding battles, and characters who will captivate your heart and imagination.
Embark on a cosmic mystery spanning all of spacetime and beyond to discover the very nature of reality’s multilayered foundations.

“E.S. Fein is raising the bar for quality as it’s a very well-written and thought-provoking book…There are points and themes in the story that could be discussed for eons as people will have their own idea on where it leads. It’s a book I would highly recommend.” – Andy Whitaker, SFCrowsnest

When one hears of a new release in the realm of science fiction, it is easy to question if there is still room for originality amidst the galaxies, futurescapes, and metaphysical wonders the genre has to offer. Yet, every once in a while, a work emerges that transcends expectations, delivering both fresh intrigue and a depth of emotion. Enter “Mendel’s Ladder, The Collected Histories of Neoevolution Earth Vol. 1” by E.S. Fein.

Setting: Earth’s Grim Renaissance

Imagine the Earth of 2099: a stark, desolate world where nature and humanity merge in unprecedented ways. Fein masterfully crafts a reality where the very idea of human existence undergoes profound transformation. Humans evolving into Nomads, entities linked to Earth’s burgeoning consciousness, showcases a unique take on post-apocalyptic survival.

Drawing inspiration from celebrated works like “Dune” and “Game of Thrones”, Fein doesn’t just depict a dystopian Earth; he invites readers to traverse it, feel its despair, marvel at its innovations, and hope for its redemption.

Character Dynamics: The Tangled Web of Relations

At the heart of any enduring tale lies its characters. Fein has populated “Mendel’s Ladder” with a cast as diverse as they are captivating. Shira and Myriam, the warrior women bound by love, loyalty, and duty, emerge as the novel’s beating heart. Their mission to protect the enigmatic girls, guided by an inscrutable Nomad, brings into play an array of characters whose motivations range from the noble to the nefarious.

The contrasts between characters, like the Hunter’s tragic longing for lost love versus the Huntress’s relentless, unyielding hunt, demonstrate Fein’s depth as a character architect. This is also true with characters like Samuel, who is our window into the seemingly idyllic orbiting city of Astrea. Readers find themselves not just following a story, but living multiple lives, feeling a spectrum of emotions from the diverse cast.

Narrative Brilliance: Fein’s Craftsmanship

“Mendel’s Ladder” is more than a tale—it’s a tapestry. Fein’s prose is a blend of hauntingly poetic landscapes and adrenaline-fueled action sequences. The philosophical journal entries interspersed throughout the novel offer readers a momentary respite, nudging them to ponder deeper existential questions as they’re plunged back into the whirlwind of the story.

As one reviewer insightfully remarked, “With Mendel’s Ladder, Fein has taken a transcendental step forward, displaying a maturity in writing and a profound understanding of the human experience.”

A Symphony of Genres

The brilliance of “Mendel’s Ladder” lies in its ability to transcend categorization. While rooted in science fiction, the narrative borrows elements from fantasy, mystery, and litRPG, producing a genre-blending marvel. Such fluidity ensures a broad appeal, enticing readers from varied literary backgrounds and preferences.

Anticipation: The Road Ahead

The conclusion of “Mendel’s Ladder” is a masterstroke, leaving readers yearning for more. The journey that Fein begins in this inaugural installment promises a series that could very well define the next era of science fiction. With bated breath, fans and critics alike await the next chapter in The Collected Histories of Neoevolution Earth.

In Summary

Set for an official release in October (of the ebook, the paperback is already released), “Mendel’s Ladder” isn’t merely a book—it’s a phenomenon. A tale that challenges, captivates, and inspires. E.S. Fein, with this release, doesn’t just tell a story; he beckons readers to become a part of its universe. Those ready for a transformative literary adventure, look no further: the Nomadic world of “Mendel’s Ladder” awaits.

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