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Outlast. Outgrow. Outlive. In the ashes of Earth, evolution is the ultimate weapon.

Mendelโ€™s Ladder delivers an adrenaline-fueled journey set on a dystopian future Earth, brimming with high-stakes action, adventure, and mystery. This epic series opener plunges readers into a world filled with diverse cultures, heart-pounding battles, and characters who will captivate your heart and imagination.
Embark on a cosmic mystery spanning all of spacetime and beyond to discover the very nature of realityโ€™s multilayered foundations.

โ€œE.S. Fein is raising the bar for quality as itโ€™s a very well-written and thought-provoking bookโ€ฆThere are points and themes in the story that could be discussed for eons as people will have their own idea on where it leads. Itโ€™s a book I would highly recommend.โ€ โ€“ Andy Whitaker, SFCrowsnest

A few weeks ago, we posted a potentially paradigm altering question: Can the human mind be trained into photographic recollection? (This is a follow up, so maybe check out the link before reading on) Two sentences are more than enough build up. The results are in folks, and…

The short answer is “yes”.

The slightly longer answer is “FUCK YEAH!!!! WHEW!!!! (6 back-flips)”

For the last month, Iโ€™ve been religiously following this protocol, and it has worked. I have a photographic memory. No joke. After the power-lust erection and adrenaline jitters subsided, after a few hours of daydreaming plots to use this new ability for super-villainy, after a day of gazing at perfect recollections of stolen glances at cleavage, I feel I’ve calmed down enough to share with you eager readers the wonderful news… and you can totally have this too.

Itโ€™s incredibly easy. Do it. Thatโ€™s really all you need to know. Do it now… but for the more curious, like I know you are, just a few things:

What’s happening in the brain that makes this work?

Well, there are 2 theories of how color vision works. Trichromatic theory says, essentially, that there are 3 types of cones (receptors) in the eye that sense specific pairs of colors; the occipital lobe then translates this information into what we call vision.

More interestingly, though, and what we’ll be looking at in detail, is the opponent-process theory of colored vision. With the opponent-process theory, whenever it suddenly shifts to dark, a perfect photo-negative image of whatever was just in the visual field gets transposed onto the retina. That’s the mechanism at work for the well-known illusion on the right (stare for ten seconds, then look away and blink fast) (or maybe it’s God talking to you. I don’t know). That negative image is what we utilize for super memory…

As long as the eyes are open, these negative images are constantly being processed and filtered by the brain. See, way too much is happening at once, though. Your eyes take in trillions and trillions of bits of visual information every instant, and almost none of it matters. So the occipital lobe, hard-worker that he is, weeds out what it doesnโ€™t think is necessary. While you “see” everything around you, you only actually perceive an infinitesimal amount, the things that pertain to your safety/survival or what youโ€™re focusing on in the moment. For example:

So, how does the occipital lobe know whatโ€™s important? Easy, you tell it. You do this all the time and donโ€™t even think about it. A new parent will notice the โ€œDiapers: Half Priceโ€ sign that the rest of us glazed over like it had neon lights, just like Alex Jones fans tend to see the chemtrails and โ€œall-seeing eyes,โ€ as though reality had been hit by a highlighter. Watch: right now, take a quick moment, without moving your eyes; notice all the things around you that are the color black…

Easy, of course, but did you notice that while you were doing that, everything else just sort of faded away? You could still see it, but it just wasn’t in focus, sort of. This is the process we hack…

The mind is plastic, flexible to our will, and if we know how it operates, we can train it to do just about anything. To develop a photographic memory; we need only develop a simple habit, so, real quick, let’s understand how habits work. It’s 30 days. That simple. If we do something every day, after 30 days, it no longer takes effort. The mind is retrained and the process is automatic (remember this for anything you want to do, because it’s universal, not just for memory training).

So with the dark-room process, we read words etched into our retinas, right. These negative images are always there and, usually, disregarded as irrelevant. What we’re doing is stepping into this process and saying, “Hey, don’t throw that out just yet. Let me take a look at that.” (You control your brain; your brain doesnโ€™t control you, and never let anyone tell you otherwise), so the brain says “Oh, ok. Here it is. I didn’t realize you wanted that.” Your brain, however, is in the habit of tossing these negatives, so every day for a month we step in and say, “let me see that for a second.” after 30 days, the brain gets the point and will automatically save these images for you to look at whenever you want. Welcome to the club; you now have a photographically perfect memory.

Additional tips (in retrospect)

1.) Donโ€™t read a book. The absolute best thing to attempt to read is not a book. What works much better is black background with bright and blocky white lettering. Far far easier to try to read.

2.) Wink. Part of the frustration you’ll come across with attempting to read your hindsight is overexposure. If you flash the lights before the image is totally dissolved, there is this overlap effect, like double exposed film (Iโ€™m not too ancient for remembering what film is, am I?). The solution: wink. Do it with one eye at a time; it has no effect on the process and allows one eye to recover as the other works. Doing this, my overall exercise got to as little as 3 minutes.

3.) Ask. Who knows how many little gimmicks and tricks I figured out? Feel free to write me at Iโ€™ll get back to you as quick as my busy life will let me, and if thereโ€™re enough of the same questions, later, Iโ€™ll add an FAQ to the bottom here.

Finally, and most importantly, did I mention “fuck yeah” and “cleavage?”




Experiments in Photographic Memory (Phase 1: Guinea Pig) (

What is the Trichromatic Theory of Color Vision (

What is the Opponent-Process Theory of Color Vision (

Awareness Test – Basketball Passes (

Why Habits Aren’t Always Formed in 21 Days (

26 responses to “Photographic Memory (Phase 2: Holy Shit)”

  1. Qwizx Avatar

    Hey billie. I’m so glad to hear it’s been working for you. Yeah youre doing great. My favorite example is this: a few weeks ago I had a final in a psychology class I was taking. I totally forgot about it untill about it15 minutes before class and panicked. So I looked at this sheet of study q’s for a minute or so and went in hoping for the best. To my utter bafflement I had a perfect memory of the study guide I’d barely looked at like it as a cheatsheet inside my own head and wound up getting a perfect score on material that until few minutes prior was totally foreign to me. Wow. That’s what you and anyone else who follows through has ti look forward to. Keep me posted. I love hearing it


    1. Anonymous Avatar

      That’s very encouraging to hear.

      Since yesterday, I’ve been exploring the internet about training photographic memory, and the exact method you describe in your excellent articles seem to pop up everywhere. I found your articles later, and was happy to see that someone has a) actually tried it out and b) has had success with it.

      However, no one seems to have taken it very seriously. The thing is, when we read about this type of outlandish stuff, as adults, we tend to have this hardened sense of skepticism, cynicism, know-it-all-ism.

      An average person reads “photographic memory”.

      “Oh, photographic memory. That doesn’t exist”.
      “Oh, this won’t work”, that average person will think.

      And indeed, it won’t work for that person, because he/she has already given up before even trying that something.

      This is why it’s VERY important to approach new things with the mind of a child. Try new things out like a child would. Children are, hands down, superior to us adults, in that they are have an open mind that stretches like 30 soccer fields. They’ll try anything! This is the beauty of being a child. Keeping an open mind is very important to trying out new things. We as adults must do away with our close-mindedness and think like a child.

      So, I will try this method out starting from tomorrow and I’m looking forward to it!


      1. Qwizx Avatar

        My sentiments exactly. The first part was just me trying to find someone to dive down the rabbit hole with me, so I’m not a lone nutter on the internet with an outrageous claim.

        Then, after seeing it work, hopefully my testimony and you folks in the comments section can give this thing some credence.


  2. Qwizx Avatar

    That’s an awesome question. If you read the first article, you know this is new ti me too, so please, test it and let me and anyone else following this thread know. We’re all learning together. So I looked answer, maybe, I don’t see what not.


  3. Sumair Avatar

    Hey man. I’ve been trying out this routine. The problem I’m facing is that the after image dissolves really quickly which is making it harder to read even a font 20 three line paragraph. Help please


    1. Qwizx Avatar

      hey, sorry it took so long to respond. that’s just the way it seems to be supposed to work. for the best results you’ll want to hang out in the dark for at least a few minutes to let your eyes adjust. then, do the winking back and forth thing like i said. if its only lasting a few seconds, that’s just right. it should be sort of like a crisp image of the words very briefly, then a hazy after image of the general background. does that help?


      1. Sumair Avatar

        Yea thats just about how it has been going. I stopped in between but now I’ve picked up again. Quick question, WHEN and more importantly HOW will I start experiencing real results? And how is it that you seem to recall things now, is it like automatic or do you like actually “see” what you’ve read in your “mind’s eye”? Could you define the experience of recalling what you sort of photograph? Thanks


  4. JJ Agudo Avatar
    JJ Agudo

    I’m currently on day 6. Is there any new tips you could offer?


  5. Azamat Abylaev Avatar
    Azamat Abylaev

    Hi, I am fresh here..First of all, thanks to tha author for making this live. in internet there are a lots of ads about photogrpaphic memory but no real proofs. I have some questions, maybe I am too late. How long can I store this image…I mean If I did learn this skill, how long can I recall this image to my eyes or whatever. is there anybody who can look about 10 seconds for a page with text and recite it word by word..? if all this true, so please let me be with you guys to inspire others


  6. Pedro Borchardt Avatar
    Pedro Borchardt

    I am wondering if could do me a favor, could you give me some other tips besides the ones you gave in your post, please?

    Is it okay if I listen to music while practicing? For the first week I plan practicing thirty minutes a day and progressively decrease the amount of time, and is it okay if I practice looking at different parts of the room (not just the patterns of my couch, for example)? When do you recommend to start start trying to read text? And will it work if I print a page with black background with white letters? Thank you very much for your time in advance, cheers.


  7. laika Avatar

    Hi Jess,

    I have a couple questions about your success with this experiment.
    I have been trying this program for 24 days and I am not having any progress with it.(I’ve tried it for 17 days year ago)
    I realized few things along the way.
    There are two types of afterimages, both are on white paper with black marker.
    For first one you have to flash light really fast and than you have negative image in other words white paper is black and black marker is white. Interesting thing about that is you can move your focus point on that afterimage but it really brief(not even a second) and not very saturated.
    Second one is less demanding about flash duration but where you were looking at time of flash is where you look during afterimage and there is no moving. Afterimage is longer and more saturated.
    Question is which one is right one?
    How powerful flash should I have, is smartphone one enough or one from camera?


    1. Qwizx Avatar

      Reply (scroll up)


  8. Toma Mircea Avatar
    Toma Mircea

    How dose your imagination compare before and after? What I mean when you try to imagine something is it more vivid than before? Can you also do this exercises by blinking insted of truning off and on the light?


  9. arthur Avatar

    is there anybody who has this skill?


  10. drmagebo Avatar

    Hi…been trying to email qwizx….his email seems down for some reason…either he lost intrest in such a profound topic (unlikely) or the men in black nabbed him. Anyways hers my email to him…if any other users can help out…feel free to reply.

    Howdy Jess. Was browsing the web and came across your article on photographic memory.ย Thank you for your breakdown of the basic methodology, also thanks for sharing your results in the 2nd post.I’ve noticed the comments section has been a bit bare of late, not sure why this is the case as I would have bet a million bucks that based on whats at stake, ie the “holy grail of photographic memory” , you’d have atleast more than 17 comments…I just have a few questions if you dont mind.I’ve been trying it out for a few days (4) and ive switched to sligthly bigger text. I do the qwick flash with a led flshlight- initially i was seeing rows of alt black and white lines, now very briefly i see the the text flash(in black and white) for a nanosecond or so(i belive this is the retina inertial effect…pretty cool i must say). So…1) In your replies you said…this is normal and we supposed to see this crisp effect. Does the crisp text last for longer periods as u progress or does it just stay the same length of time.2.) You said you read some study notes quickly before your test and was able to perfectly recall the material is the test. Could you elaborate on your experience in the test…3) Another reader commented on are u able to read 500 pages and recall each one…how is this done? You were talking about some kinda filing system that needed to be developed…4.) How long does the text last in your memory? Do you still remember the study notes perfectly??5) did you use the same paragraph for the entire 30 days or use differnt ones?ย Thats all i can think of for now.Would be great to here from you…appreciate the time you took to explore the topic and then post about it.


  11. Qwizx Avatar

    Hey everyone. Thanks for all the comments. I’ve been out of commission for a bit and didn’t realize there were all these questions. Let’s see if we can cover everything in one giant blanket answer.
    It’s been a while since I wrote/ did this and a few retrospective points. First, it absolutely worked for me. I kept going past the 30 days for a few weeks, but moved to a new apartment with window in the bathroom so no real blackness to find consistently. the ability faded within about 2 weeks. Does that mean it needs to be practiced indefinitely, or I didn’t quite do it long enough? No idea.
    Like I’d said in part one, I’d found this thing and it seemed plausible, so what could it hurt to try. I’m no scientist or doctor, just seemed interesting. If you’ve commented on this, tried it, read the articles, or followed any of the links, you know just about as much as I do (maybe more). All I’ve done is, as far as I know, been the first to blog openly about the results.
    Giant text works best, but it didn’t seem to make any difference if I forgot the book entirely and just flashed at the tile designs, a bottle of shampoo, or even my own face in the mirror (super creepy/ highly recommend). After a few days, the sensationalism wears off and the practice itself is really boring, so by all means jam some tunes or put on an audiobook. No negative effect.
    Overall, I had this ability for about 2 weeks and can still recall perfectly the things in that time. The best thing to do is just try it. It’s fun in the same way LCD is (kinda). Play around with it cause most of your specific questions, I have no idea. And just get the dialogue going. No reason this page can’t be a forum in itself.
    Last point: All my article so far have been with an effort to take cutting edge science and add a few dick jokes so it’s actually fun to read and understand. If you’re already a subscriber to “Neuroscience New Delhi” more power to you, but my god is that stuff bland for the rest of us. Frankly, I’m just some lunatic (lord, have you read my other stuff) on some fringe alt-news sight. We’re growing in popularity and all work hard to make sure we site credible sources, but probably no major universities would accept our articles as a credible source themselves for a research paper. The point is to be curious about the world.
    Be aggressive in you wonder.


    1. dramsthefunky Avatar

      Why are you the only one with results?


  12. aaron Avatar

    I have a question Jess,

    Does having a photographic memory make your emotions more sensitive to what you see?


  13. yorgu Avatar

    Hello Jesse Davis Jr. I have been trying this experiment for 9 weeks,I discussed with someone about it on reddit,here is the link,check it out: ,I do not have very good results,the results are dissapointing,but I want to continue with this experiment because I am desperate for having a better memory,it is my dream to have a better memory(if not photographic,semi-photographic).
    After hitting the switch I only see the words but very fuzzy for about 4 seconds(but not the letters),and the page doesnt stick on my mind. Please,please give me some advice and tell me more details of how you did it,I am willing to practice every day for another 3 months if it is necessary for achieving this kind of ability.In this 9 week period I only missed a day,only one day.give me details of the power of the light bulb that you practiced with,the pause between the flashes(how many seconds?). Thank you very much for what you are doing.Thank you.


    1. Lethal_Kizzle Avatar

      You’ll find that you can increase peripheral vision with this method. Take after images during the day, by dark adjusting and taking glimpses at various scenery. I could never visualise 3-D imagery but now I can easily rotate multiple objects within the mind. The effects of this training has far reaching consequences on thought processing. You will see more coincidences as a result of improved base memory.

      However you need a retrieval system. I have yet to practice this regiment. But have found evidence that after image training coupled with certain visualisation can yield vastly improved, functional memory. Here is the site: .

      Try increasing your brain’s capacity by becoming proficient in mental calculation, origami and juggling. Or other similar activities. These will increase your spatial reasoning further increasing visual recall. As Jesse has said before he has done this on different occasions. I believe there is a compound effect. You might want to take a small break to allow your mind to adjust. And start to build upon the previous trial.

      I have yet to reach perfect recall, but it’s not over yet. I will take up my suggestions and when I get more results I may comment again.


      1. yorgu Avatar

        Hello and thank you very much for the reply,I already know about the techniques that you linked,I know about them because I have the book that includes them,it is called the 100% brain course,here is a link for a reddit thread that i started a couple of days ago about this technique: ,but the problem is that I can not imagine a blackboard in my head for 2 to 3 minutes,it’s not that I can’t but is hard,so I do just the gazing exercise at the mandala.
        In regards to the gazing exercise,I can tell you that I can see an afterimage of the mandala on the wall for about 10 seconds or more,and if I would do the imagining part of the blackboard I am sure that the benefits would be great.
        If you try it out and have any tips or questions you can post them here or on reddit.
        A tip from me,when gazing make sure that you are not blinking,in the beginning it is not a problem to blink,but as you move on you will get better at gazing and you will not blink at all during the exercise.

        You said that a tachistoscope would be useful, do you use one or know somebody that uses one? I think that one would be great,like putting a page on the tachistoscope and flashing it.


      2. yorgu Avatar

        Hello,I found a site that may help you and anybody else that is interested in doin this exercises: ,the site is very interesting it has lots and lots of useful infromation.The link is for helping you imagine black,this will help to develop the eidetic imagery along with the gazing exercises that you posted in the links.


      3. Lethal_Kizzle Avatar

        Thanks I’ve come across that website too. I’m thinking of adding those exercises after mastering the blackboard. I think if we can get that visualisation down it would take us to the next level. Permanently. Isn’t it easier to visualise the blackboard with the contrast between the black and white paper as an after image?


      4. yorgu Avatar

        I do not know,try it out and see what is working best for you.
        I will try the follownig:look at a black paper for like 10 seconds and then close my eyes and try to hold the black paper in my imagination for as long as I can,and then repeat it if necessary.


  14. Sam Avatar

    So how are things going for you now Billie? Have you kept up with the memory training?


  15. yorgu Avatar

    Hello everyone,has somebody continued with this method,what are your results and give some tips if you want to.
    Hello Jess,you are the one who had the greatest results,please,if you can tell me abot the source of light that you were using and the period of time between the flashes and more details if you want to share them.
    Thank you very much.


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